Manjari Corner
Manjari Foundation has been honored with the Award for Global CSR excellence and leadership at the prestigious World CSR Congress 2025. In partnership with HDFC Bank, focused village development project brought together 50 farmers from 40 villages to learn about regenerative agriculture practices. A Hi-Tech Nursery was inaugurated in Bachhar village implemented by Manjari Foundation. Successful completion of two-day visit to Dholpur for Churi Chatarpura and Churi Ajeetgarh's Village Development Committee members.

Mr. Satyendra Sengar

Mr. Satyendra Sengar

Mr. Satyendra Sengar

Team Leader

[email protected]

Satyendra Sengar is working in Manjari Foundation since 2019. Satyendra is working for the
empowerment of women and the promotion of their livelihood in Manjari. He completed his MSW from
Jiwaji University, Gwalior. He worked in the Women's Development Agency from 1999 to 2001.
Worked on DPIP project from 2003 to 2007. Worked in RCH till 2007-2008. From 2008 to 2018, has
worked in the Federation Saheli Samiti as a manager promoted by Pradan.
He worked at Manjari Foundation since 2019 as a thematic Expert (Live Stock) at GRC Sarmathura.
From 2022, I am working as a Team Leader in Sarmathura. Where he is working on goat-based
livelihood, institution building, water infrastructure, and agriculture under HRDP through the HDFC
Project. I am also working as the nodal person for collaboration with CIRG (Central Institute of
Research and Goat).