Manjari Corner
Manjari Foundation honored with the Award for outstanding contribution to social consciousness at the prestigious World CSR Congress 2025. In partnership with HDFC Bank, focused village development project brought together 50 farmers from 40 villages to learn about regenerative agriculture practices. A 1-day exposure visit to the Agriculture Science Congress 2025 at G.B. Pant Agricultural University, Pantnagar was organized for 50 farmers from Scheduled Tribes where they received training on goat farming and input support. Two of our Community Resource Persons from Dholpur conducted garlic pickle training at a Rajeevika unit in Rajsamand, as part of our collaboration with Axis Bank Foundation.


An Indo-Mali Partnership

The Indo-Mali project has enabled us to successfully replicate the Dholpur model of institution-building for livelihoods advancement in Logo Kayes, Mali.

In 2016, cross-organizational stakeholders from Camide and Virtue Ventures visited Manjari Foundation in India to study our model of women’s empowerment and rural economic development. Impressed by the on-ground impact they witnessed, Camide invited Manjari Foundation to partner with them to execute Yeredme - a groundbreaking pilot for women's empowerment.

The objective was to see how Manjari's model for social transformation could be applied to solve challenges in the West African context.

During the visit, the Mali team experienced India’s powerful, peer-driven, Self-Help Group (SHG) ecosystem and witnessed how the Manjari team integrated the SHG functionality into its livelihood development agenda, thereby creating its own unique SHG model.

The Camide team shared its willingness to replicate the same model in the Kayes region of Mali. A team from Manjari Foundation, it was decided, would visit Mali to understand the context and explore the opportunity for partnership.

A year later, the Manjari team, comprising technical staff and SHG members, arrived in rural Mali.

Thus, 2017 marked the beginning of a true south-south collaboration, whereby the Indian women’s SHG model was being adapted to the Malian context and implemented through a powerful, experiential, peer-learning, and peer role-modeling methodology.

To our knowledge, this is a unique initiative, and no similar program had ever been executed in West Africa.

Till now, 12,000 women have been organized in 761 SHGs, 98 villages, and one federation. An interactive map of the current groups and villages is available at:

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'Manjari’ literally translates to “seed of Tulsi”, a sacred Indian plant. When women mobilise themselves to form institutions, they are empowered to sow their own ‘seeds of change’.