Manjari Corner
Manjari Foundation honored with the Award for outstanding contribution to social consciousness at the prestigious World CSR Congress 2025. In partnership with HDFC Bank, focused village development project brought together 50 farmers from 40 villages to learn about regenerative agriculture practices. A 1-day exposure visit to the Agriculture Science Congress 2025 at G.B. Pant Agricultural University, Pantnagar was organized for 50 farmers from Scheduled Tribes where they received training on goat farming and input support. Two of our Community Resource Persons from Dholpur conducted garlic pickle training at a Rajeevika unit in Rajsamand, as part of our collaboration with Axis Bank Foundation.

Digital Literacy

Digital Literacy

Over the past few years, India has emphasized on make in India, Digital India, skill India, and several other important initiatives. To leveraging all these initiatives required digitally trained people. As we belong to the 21st century that’s pretty much tech-savvy and have the know-how of everything digital, there’s still a section of the country deprived of even the basics of technology. India has about 600 million internet users, which is counted as approximately 12% of global users. According to government data still only 20% of Indians know how to use digital services. There is still a big segment of the population who do not have access to the internet and online services. The Internet Saathi program was launched in collaboration with Tata Trust and Google India to improve digital awareness and leverage the power of the Internet and smartphones that are seeing deeper penetration in rural pockets.

Program Contour

Bridging The Gender Digital Gap

Digital Skill Development

Employability Through Digital

Internet Saathi

An Internet Sakhi is a community cadre from SHG responsible for taking the Internet to more and more rural communities. Every Internet Sakhi is provided with 2 Tablets loaded with cloud-based applications, 2 Smartphones, 1 Power Bank, and 1 Inter-Cycle (bicycle-based internet kiosk). They have been trained to use Smartphones and the Internet along with other features like cameras, calculators, and gallery, play store, etc. 240 Internet Sakhi’s trained more than 2, 40,000 community members to educate them on using these smart devices, applications, and the Internet.

Bridging Gender Digital Divide

In rural India, only three out of 10 internet users are women (IMRB’S Curb Report 2017) India's fifth National Family Health Survey (NFHS) revealed that there is a big digital divide in the country, with rural women least likely to have internet access. Only 42% of Indian women surveyed have ever used the internet, compared with 62% of men. A large section of women do not have any or limited access to either mobile phones or computers, and this gap has widened during the COVID-19 crisis.

Photo Credit: Sakhi Project

Employability Through Digital

Digital literacy is very important nowadays, In the era of the internet, without digital knowledge people cannot survive and grow. Internet and digital things are now a way of life. Most of the jobs and even traditional agriculture, artisans work and so on are very much impacted by digital technology. Knowledge is a powerful weapon for empowerment. But still big sections of our rural women are not able to access and control digital devices which resulted in to increase in the divide. Our digital training programs aim to reduce all these kinds of gaps and vulnerabilities.

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'Manjari’ literally translates to “seed of Tulsi”, a sacred Indian plant. When women mobilise themselves to form institutions, they are empowered to sow their own ‘seeds of change’.